The department High-Speed Electronics comprises the Institute’s expertise in the development of focal plane units and detector electronics for VIS/NIR satellite cameras. It evolved from the department ...
HELIX (Helium Lidar Experiment) ist das weltweit erste Helium Resonanzlidar und wird aktuell vom DLR Institut für Solar-Terrestrische Physik in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut für Atmosphärenphysik in ...
The Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics DLR-SO established an antenna measurement and test field (MIRA for Multi-instrument Ionospheric Radio observation Array) for various, exclusively passive ...
The DLR-SO Fabry Perot Interferometer (SOFPIT) is an in-house development of the Institute for Solar-Terrestrial Physics at DLR that will measure thermospheric winds at an altitude of ~250 km. It ...
The Global Ionospheric Flare Detection System (GIFDS) of the DLR consists of a ground-based network of VLF receivers (Perseus SDR - Software Defined Radio), which provides amplitude and phase ...
SOFIE is an educational project established by the DLR_School_Lab Neustrelitz, Germany. Its objective is a robust ground-based detection of solar radiation bursts, i.e. solar flares, via measurable ...
Test setup for the experimental investigation of pressure-dependent thermal conductivity in (vacuum) insulation panels ...
The Gaia-X 4 Future Mobility project family aims to drive the digital transformation of the mobility system. It includes six projects: Gaia-X 4 AI, Gaia-X 4 AMS, Gaia-X 4 ROMS, Gaia-X 4 PLC-AAD, ...
At Hannover Messe 2025, the Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics will present current developments and innovations in hydrogen technology that focus on efficiency and economical solutions. The ...
The potential of new materials and manufacturing technologies to make engines even more efficient and produce even lower emissions has already been demonstrated by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in ...
The expert group on Simulation Technology is capable in the construction and operation of real time simulators, the development of new soft- and hardware concepts, the development and operation of ...
Simulation of loads on a flexible aircraft during a gust passage. The expert group on Modelling and Simulation deals with the development of simulation models for aircraft. This can be achieved by the ...