Friday’s sentencing stems from former Anaheim Mayor Harry Sidhu destroying records around the now-dead Angel Stadium land ...
While state auditors couldn’t find evidence of the Angels violating their lease agreement, they say the city needs to step up ...
Some of OC’s youngest residents are investigating the local wildlife through free monthly talks at the Peter and Mary Muth Interpretive Center in Newport Beach. In February, it was barn owls. Times ...
Authority leaders are about to discuss a study years in the making that found their emergency response times often fall below ...
Another 31 people died “without fixed abode” in OC, almost the same number as last year.  Meanwhile, the Sheriff’s Dept ...
Laguna Beach City Council members extended the contract with their homeless shelter operator by six months while they review ...
Nearly $100,000 in outside support has already been spent on one candidate facing questions about his ballot designation.
Santa Ana officials are struggling to decide how much they should charge residents to park downtown amid an expected budget ...
These are just a few of many free, family-friendly events offered through public libraries and OC Parks this weekend.
OC’s Transportation Authority broke ground on a $779 million construction project this month that intends to reduce ‘weaving’ ...
U.S. Attorneys are asking for an 8-month prison sentence for former Anaheim Mayor Harry Sidhu for lying to FBI agents about ...
Jim Phelps makes all kinds of accusations regarding OCPA but offers exactly zero proof. He claims that OCPA’s energy is ...