When the starting gun for the 48th Catalina Island Marathon goes off, among the runners hitting the island trails will be ...
The Avalon High boys volleyball team traveled to Huntington Beach on March 1, to compete in the Liberty Christian Tournament.
The City Council voted unanimously to adopt a new Municipal Code Ordinance that includes regulations for bicycles, e-bicycles ...
The 2025 boys high school golf season has begun and in their first match of the season the Lancers competed against San Juan ...
If you have health insurance, you are protected. For that reason, Catalina Island Health wants the public to be aware of the ...
EDAW gives CIH and other healthcare providers an opportunity to improve public understanding of eating disorders and their ...
The council unanimously approved contracts with two businesses to repair the restrooms at the Green Pier at the Feb. 18 meeting. The contract with MKS Specialty Finishes, Inc., and Geoff King Plumbing ...
The design typically highlights famous parts of the course, or animals of Catalina Island. Every year, the Catalina Island Marathon unveils a new design for its finisher medal, and this year’s medal ...
Staff asked the City Council to authorize the city manager to execute an agreement with Magical Cruise Company Limited, doing business as Disney Cruise Lines. According to City Manager David Maistros, ...
The Catalina Islander is a weekly community newspaper serving Avalon, Catalina Island (California), and its mainland friends. Rooted deeply in our community for nearly a century, The Islander has been ...
CIP Director Robert Greenlaw gave the City Council an update on the Five Corners project at the Feb. 18 council meeting. He said since the last update, the project had completed 85% of the cultural ...
Some have suggested alternative fire management strategies. A recent letter to the editor in this newspaper proposed that the Conservancy purchase and maintain firefighting helicopters and cited a ...