Elections to the Retired Members Guild Executive are now taking place. Attached you will find a Nomination Form. Please consider running and having the opportunity to serve on the Guild Executive to ...
Groups hold Annual General Meetings (AGMs) in order to allow member delegates to have a say in the Group business and set priorities for their Executives. Throughout the difficult challenges during ...
Le gagnant du tirage au sort des membres de la GMR est Harold Marcotte, d’Ottawa. Il a gagné un projecteur RCA Home Theatre avec télécommande. Harold est représenté à droite avec Richard Rice, ...
Our union represents over 60,000 members across Canada’s public service. Regular members of the union have signed a union card. Representation doesn’t end at the bargaining table. Through effective ...
IT Group Executive Meeting 27 January 2023, 12h00 - 17h00 (Eastern time) Via Zoom CVent ID: ZCNHK93PT5N & 17 February 2023, 09h00 – 17h00 (Eastern Time) ...
Each year, approximately 1,000 Canadians die as a result of work place accidents or occupational diseases. Work place safety and health is a serious matter. Part II of the Canada Labour Code (CLC) ...
On parle de réaménagement des effectifs lorsque les services d’un·e ou de plusieurs employé·es nommés pour une durée indéterminée ne sont plus nécessaires. L'Institut est là pour veiller à ce que la ...
The AFS Group Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday, June 14, 2025, at the Hilton Lac Leamy (virtual and in-person). The AFS Group By-Laws provide for ninety- four (94) delegates including ...
West Branch Presents: Star Wars and Info-session Event – Sunday, December 22, 2019 We, the Ottawa West Branch, proudly invite you and 2 guests to join us for an information session followed by the ...
Les candidats doivent être des enfants ou des petits-enfants de membres titulaires ou retraités en règle de l’IPFPC (les cotisants Rands ne sont pas admissibles). Ils doivent commencer leur première ...
Le 14 Mars 2025, l'Institut professionnel a présenté le grief de classification Vétérinaire Superviseur VM-02 (Décision 59668). L'audience s'est bien déroulée, avec la présence de nombreux plaignants, ...
Almost all PIPSC Members are entitled to disability benefits through their workplace disability plan. More information on your specific plan can be found here. Members should proactively communicate ...