The GoTaq ® Probe 1-Step RT-qPCR System enables detection and relative quantification of RNA expression levels using a one-step RT-qPCR method, combining GoScript™ Reverse Transcriptase and ...
分析功能强大:通过一台计算机可连接和控制6台QPCR仪;可同时分析12个独立的96孔板;也可以在同一块板上进行和分析不同的实验 设置和运行简单:根据实验目的和方法不同,可选择多种实验设置:(多重)绝对定量PCR、相对定量PCR、Sybr Green定量及熔解曲线分析 ...
These different projects, being conducted in different regions of the world and involving very different pathogens, provide a glimpse into the power of Seegene’s high multiplex qPCR system and ...
The flexible system covers a variety of configurations, enabling users to run broad surveillance panels. The platform can process up to 5,184 reactions per chip in less than 30 minutes of direct hands ...
Takara Bio USA, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Takara Bio Inc., today announced the launch of the SmartChip ND™ Real-Time PCR System, an automated, research-use-only (RUO), high-throughput qPCR ...
With proprietary LNA™ technology, the miRCURY™ LNA™ miRNA PCR System takes your qPCR experiments to the next level: The miRCURY™ LNA™ miRNA PCR System is perfectly suited for liquid biopsies.
The QuantStudio Absolute Q system requires just one hands-on step ... Video Credit: Thermo Fisher Scientific Applied Biosystems, qPCR Video Credit: Thermo Fisher Scientific Applied Biosystems ...