hCaptcha is a drop-replacement for reCAPTCHA that protects user privacy. Sign up at hCaptcha to get your sitekey today. You need a sitekey to use this library. Also compatible with Preact. If you want ...
Preact作为一个轻量级React替代品,凭借其小巧的体积、高性能和与React的高度兼容性,成为了前端开发中的“小而美”之选。 今天要给大家介绍一个特别有趣的前端库——Preact。如果你觉得React太重了,或者对性能有极致追求,那Preact绝对是一个值得尝试的选择。
DONALD TRUMP WANTS YOU TO ENVISION a world where providing running water or renting an apartment to illegal immigrants is a crime. Where law enforcement acting upon “reasonable suspicion” can detain ...
This package implements react-reconciler which allows for custom renderers to be implemented and shared between Preact and React such as @react-three/fiber.