3月10日以来,一则“有顶流明星在澳门输了10亿”的信息在互联网平台传播,引发网民热议和各种猜测,相关话题频繁登上社交媒体热搜热榜。 A rumor alleging that a top-tier celebrity lost 1 billion yuan in Macao has been circulating on online platforms, sparking heated ...
When a real dog encounters a robotic dog, netizens said it's like encountering an alien dog😂😂The real dog🐶: Such a formidable master!
Lei Jun, founder and CEO of Xiaomi, and Zhou Yunjie, chairman and CEO of Haier Group, who are both deputies to the 14th ...
The English version for lines in "Nezha 2" never stops innovating. Netizens praise that the voice-over rhythm of this American is highly authentic.