Several health systems across the US are gearing up to try a new way of drawing blood: using a robot.Health systems have agreed to be part of a clinical trial of a device that automates blood ...
Notice physical symptoms: Micro-stressors often show up as physical tension in your body—tight shoulders, headaches, or ...
Several health systems across the U.S. — including Northwestern Medicine — are gearing up to try a new way of drawing blood: using a robot.
Unlike with a traditional blood draw, the patient does not see the needle go into the arm nor the tubes of blood. The process takes about two minutes and has a 95% success rate on the first attempt.
Blood glucose is usually measured using invasive methods involving pricking small needles into the skin. But people suffering ...
The Florida Department of Health report stated that three people were infected "very rare strain of the disease." ...
Adolescence has already become a smash hit on Netflix. It’s one of the hottest shows on Netflix, and critics and subscribers ...
Needle or Piercing Gun? A look at three local spots that use sterile needles, and why this is a safer method for your child.
Tax policy alone cannot solve the housing crisis but lawmakers who are focused on tax policy solutions have better options ...
Lower doses of a common antibiotic can curb hair loss caused by a rare skin condition, a new study says. The antibiotic ...
Somerville’s Public Safety for All plan shows that its officials prioritize the promotion of left-wing ideology over making ...
A new bill would limit needle and syringe exchange programs in Maine to one new needle for every used one brought in.