Manufacturers are quickly moving their operations out of China. The maker of Bratz and L.O.L. Surprise! Dolls has announced plans to shift 40 percent of its manufacturing to India, Vietnam, and ...
路透社率先报道的美高娱乐的计划,显示出那些严重依赖中国工厂生产日常用品的美国制造商,正如何因特朗普与中国的贸易战而尽可能迅速地做出调整——并提高价格以弥补对仍在中国生产的产品所征收的关税成本。 美国玩具行业组织玩具协会(Toy Association ...
Out of, as in out of money. When you’re out of money, you don’t have any left. And when you’re out of money, anything that ...
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“Flat out” is an expression that is believed to be inspired by the game of horseracing. When a race horse gallops at full speed, its four legs are seen to stretch OUT, and the rider is seen to lean ...