Dr. Taiwo OrebamjoIntrauterine insemination (IUI) and In vitro fertilisa­tion (IVF) are distinct meth­ods of assisted reproductive technology(ART) utilised to help women conceive when they face ...
Men with the best semen quality can expect to live two to three years longer, on average, than men with the lowest semen ...
The team’s research, published in the Oxford University Press science journal Human Reproduction, found that men with the ...
For the study, published in the journal Human Reproduction, academics analysed data from 78,284 men in Denmark between 1965 ...
A large study of nearly 80,000 men has found that sperm quality is linked to how long men live. The research, published ...
Healthy Sperm, Healthy Life: Men with higher sperm motility lived 2–3 years longer than those with poor semen quality. Semen ...
The quality of semen could be an indicator of overall health for men, experts told Euronews Health. View on euronews ...
Is semen quality associated with the lifespan of men? A recent study has sparked interest in the potential link between semen ...
"In absolute terms, men with a total motile count of more than 120 million (per milliliter of semen) lived 2.7 years longer than men with a total motile count of between 0 and 5 million," lead author ...
New research suggests that men with high-quality swimmers can expect to live two to three years longer than those with low sperm motility.
A study of 80,000 men over 50 years suggests that semen quality might predict lifespan. Those with higher sperm motility ...
Advertisement "In absolute terms, men with a total motile count of more than 120 million (per milliliter of semen) lived 2.7 years longer than men with a total motile count of between 0 and 5 ...