Missouri’s attorney general is threatening to seize Chinese assets across the U.S. to collect $24.5 billion awarded in a ...
ST LOUIS, MO - This past week, a federal judge in Missouri ruled China concealed knowledge of the emergence of the ...
Missouri’s AG won after Chinese representatives didn’t respond to the federal lawsuit. It’s unclear whether the state will ...
A federal judge ruled in Missouri's favor in its lawsuit against Beijing, accusing China of hoarding personal protective ...
State attorneys general have a higher profile than in years past, thanks to lawsuits against the federal government and ...
We intend to collect every penny by seizing Chinese-owned assets, including Missouri farmland,” Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey said.
The state of Missouri won a multi-billion dollar lawsuit against China for its role in the COVID-19 pandemic after none ...
周五,密苏里州一名联邦法官做出裁决,中国政府应该对掩盖新冠大流行的开始和囤积防护装备负有责任。他做出了一项超过240亿美元的判决,密苏里州官员誓言通过扣押中国资产来执行这项判决。 密苏里州总检察长办公室于2020年4月在大流行的最初几个月提起 ...
A federal judge last week ruled in favor of Missouri, after Missouri GOP Sen. Eric Schmidt sued China for "unleashing Covid on the world." ...
Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey won a $24 billion judgment against China for the country’s part in exacerbating the ...
It's been five years since the COVID-19 pandemic arrived in Springfield. The first diagnosis was made at a Coxhealth clinic.
A health worker takes a nasal swab of a person for a COVID-19 test at a hospital in New Delhi, India, on July 6, 2020. (AP ...