There are three Lucknows, three Madrases and four Calcuttas. Rudyard Kipling wrote The Jungle Book in the US, but sadly, there is no Seoni there. However, Kipling’s Vermont home was named Naulakha.
Tra le elezioni comunali del capoluogo e quelle regionali che iniziano a stagliarsi all’orizzonte, i partiti rinfocolano il dinamismo sui territori. In Irpinia il termometro politico, in attesa ...
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A book titled Geneva Crisis – The Way Forward compiled by the Ambassadors’ Forum of Sri Lanka was launched at the Foreign Ministry. The inspiration behind the book was Sarath Wijesinghe, PC and former ...
Tesla Motors, whose sleek, flashy roadsters have become a visible emblem of Bay Area’s growing electric-car industry, is moving its headquarters to Palo Alto. The company announced today that it ...