RMK plans to eliminate drainage ditches in the Meenikunno bog to improve the condition of the ecosystems there. The planned ...
The Oklahoma high school basketball playoffs continue this week, starting with the OSSAA Class 5A state tournament ...
Signing of the MoU between LIIN and HNB (from left): High Commissioner of Canada to Sri Lanka and the Maldives Eric Walsh, HNB Managing Director and CEO Damith Pallewatte, LIIN Chairman Chandula ...
泽连斯基称,“现在的局势非常艰难。我只能对参与这次行动的士兵表示感谢,任务已经完成了。首先是哈尔科夫方向的压力得到了减轻,其次俄方开始从东部方向撤军。我认为,波克罗夫斯克方向的局势现在稳定了,他们很难再找到机会(夺取)波克罗夫斯克。” ...
Oklahoma high school basketball playoffs continue this week with Class 6A and 5A at Lloyd Noble Center in Norman Classes 4A, 3A and 2A at State Fair Arena and Yukon High School. The action ...
The Class 5A Oklahoma high school girls basketball state tournament is set for Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Lloyd Noble Center in Norman.