All kinds of animals are present on this Earth. Most animals have ravenous teeth that are used to hunt other animals. Here ...
The image shows a human cell displaying the relative localization of Nup358-positive annulate lamellae (AL, red) with respect to endoplasmic reticulum (ER, green) and mitochondria (blue). AL ...
This valuable study reports on the critical role of ANKRD5 (ANKEF1) in sperm motility and male fertility. However, the supporting data remain incomplete. This work will be of interest to biomedical ...
Damage to bone leads to pain and loss of movement in the musculoskeletal system. Although bone can regenerate, sometimes it is damaged beyond its innate capacity. Research interest is increasingly ...
In their conception, the key features of the genus Gymnopus including collybioid basidiomata, rarely tricholomatoid or marasmioid, free, emarginate or adnate lamellae that are usually crowded, and ...
The software encompasses a graphical user interface for easy execution of routine lamellae preparations, a scripting module compatible with available Python packages, and interfaces with ...