Four-time Olympic gold medallist, and American sprinting icon, Michael Johnson suffered a stroke out of nowhere, and ...
American sprint icon Michael Johnson, who won four Olympic gold medals, suffered a stroke in 2018 and opened up about the ...
Octogenarian’s family claims no medical aid was provided by the airline, the passenger continued to bleed throughout the ...
腔隙性脑梗死( lacunar infarct,LI) 是临床较特殊的一种脑梗死的类型。LI 约占缺血性脑卒中全部类型的 25% ,病灶直径一般为 1. 5 ~ 2. 0 cm,临床症状较为隐匿且不典型,易被忽视。如果不能及时做出诊断和有效治疗,该疾病可进展为多区域缺血灶,甚至引发大面积 ...
Overall, 434 individuals were identified as having strokes during the follow-up period: 146 thrombotic, 102 cardioembolic, and 95 lacunar subtypes. Dental flossing was associated with a significantly ...
Background and purpose: This study aimed to examine the association of polyvascular disease and clinical outcomes in patients with lacunar stroke. Methods: Data of patients with recent lacunar stroke ...