"New stories are being told, and they are no longer bound by the promise of a neat conclusion." Stage reviewer, Alex Roy explores the change of a classical theatrical ending.
A Wind Ridge man is accused of stealing an ATM, prying open jukeboxes and breaking into a nonprofit, no-kill animal shelter.
While the peanut machines found in local bars and clubs in the mid-1940s might be a thing of the past, the small family-owned ...
In over four decades working for the Stevens family, “not much has changed,” he said. Putting aside an increase in his paycheck and the removal of jukeboxes, changes to the weiner joint have been ...
It had all the characteristics of a regular pub including a bar, comfortable seating, jukeboxes, a pool table, and a TV. The pub only served soft drinks, and its customers were school pupils aged ...
Stanton supplies about 500 of them in New York and Pennsylvania with electronic dartboards, pool tables, jukeboxes, pinball machines, ATMs and more. The company operates dart and pool leagues as well.