Alberta farmers are worried about a drought because the snowpack is lighter than usual in the Canadian Rockies.
He cautioned that such conditions could lead to a dam failure and a potential disaster. The Pambar dam irrigates nearly 8,000 acres of land in Krishnagiri and Dharmapuri districts.
Karnataka has already submitted a detailed project report (DPR) for the expansion, renovation, and modernisation of ERM of the Tungabhadra left bank canal, which stretches 226 km and irrigates ...
to modernise the 226km Tungabhadra left bank canal (TLBC), which irrigates 2.4 lakh hectares in North Karnataka. The upgrade is expected to benefit an additional 96,400 hectares of agricultural land.
In Oregon, warming winters can reduce mountain snowpack - a critical resource in western states because of the spring runoff that refills our reservoirs, irrigates crops and helps meet our water ...