This past January the charity held its first major event — a kids’ dance party at iPlay America in Freehold Township. Patrick Dougherty was there. “It was beautiful,” he said.
In just one weekend, a community rallies to make sure 8-year-old Gio Trotter can get to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia for cancer treatment.
酷比魔方近日发布了全新的iPlay 70 Pro安卓平板电脑,这款设备已在亚马逊欧洲多个市场以及日本上架。作为一款备受瞩目的智能设备,iPlay 70 Pro凭借其出色的性能和创新设计,迅速成为市场焦点。 iPlay 70 Pro搭载了一块10.95英寸的IPS屏幕,分辨率为2560×1600像素 ...
近日,酷比魔方正式发布其最新的安卓平板电脑——iPlay 70 Pro,这款平板的上架引发了广泛关注。其官方定价为190欧元,但在2月底前可享受30欧元的首发优惠。如此之低的价格,结合其硬件配置,势必给消费者带来不少惊喜。 酷比魔方iPlay 70 Pro配备了一块10.95 ...