Musical Fidelity's revived tube buffer also promises better impedance matching between a source component and an amplifier.
Engineers often turn to VNAs to measure the return-loss characteristics of an antenna, but they must be used carefully ...
Like the 6176, Behringer's 676 packs a mic preamp and FET compressor based on classic UA gear into a rackmount unit. Unlike the 6176, it costs $469 ...
If you’re looking for something portable or even pocket-sized, Zoom has a wide choice of devices, including the excellent ...
Coming down the pike from Rega: a new version of its entry-level Brio. The Brio MK7 is an integrated amplifier wrapped in a half-width aluminium chassis that threatens 50wpc into 8 Ohms and 73wpc into ...
Abstract: This paper proposes a 4×4-device-Matrix-based Cost-optimized Triple-node-upset (TNU)-recovery High-impedance-state (HIS)-insensitive and Single-event-transient ... matrix to completely ...
The IVS controller design considers the loop-gain ratio to maintain the positive input impedance with various-order OVR controllers. In the closed-loop analysis, the coupling disturbances are ...
Pyimpspec is a Python package that provides an application programming interface (API) and a command-line interface (CLI) for working with impedance spectra. The target audience is researchers who use ...
DearEIS is a Python package that includes a program with a graphical user interface (GUI) for working with impedance spectra. An application programming interface (API) is also included that is ...
If you’re getting the Monitor error message Input not supported on your Windows 11/10 PC, you can try our recommended solutions presented below in no particular ...