北京时间3月17日,NBA常规赛迎来一场焦点战,快船主场迎战黄蜂。此役,哈登迎来爆发,贡献31分10篮板7助攻的准三双数据,带领快船以123-88大胜黄蜂,豪取3连胜的同时,也完成了对黄蜂的赛季横扫。黄蜂则遭遇赛季第50场失利,成为东部第二支“达标” ...
据权威数据网站《转会市场》统计,此球是梅西职业生涯第854粒正式比赛进球,距离贝利保持的南美球员纪录仅差13球。更恐怖的是,37岁的他本赛季场均冲刺速度达到31.2km/h,比上季还提升0.8km/h。ESPN晒出进球动图时配文:"警告!美职联后卫请 ...
“I’m good, Mom.” “Are you sure?” He nodded solemnly, but offered nothing heartfelt in return. Dad clapped his son on the shoulder. “You’re gonna do great.” “We’re so proud’a you,” said Mama. “I love ...
(They even Trojan-horsed some clever chord progressions and melodies into their songs along the way.) What's more quintessentially rock 'n' roll than that? Thankfully, the Rock Hall has made ...
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British diver Tom Daley posted a video last month in which he and his current diving partner, Noah Williams answered ...
A Franklin County judge sentenced a man to over two decades in prison for his role in connection with the murder of a imam.