This is not just eccentric provocation by MAGA attention-seekers; it is a window into a serious, philosophical concordance that is emerging between parts of the American and Russian right. The most ...
Don’t be fooled by US companies’ claims they’re abandoning identity-based polices — cowardly HR pros canceled me for ...
As civil discourse becomes a buzzword in the higher education landscape, The Chronicle spoke with faculty to understand what civil discourse means to them and why it has figured prominently in recent ...
Massacres, often ignored or forgotten by the outside world but not by their victims, are one of the great driving forces of ...
Jupiterian heft
If international cricket comes to be seen as BCCI’s rotten borough, it will lose its credibility and with it, its precarious ...
The recent mass killings targeting Syria’s Alawite minority in the west of the country raise doubts about the new leader, ...
There will surely be turf wars and palace intrigue within the administration, but there is little reason to think that its ...
Manus discusses a variety of perspectives in extreme detail and depth. Everything from multi-stakeholder views and global ...
OPINION: Gov. Hochul has the right as the state’s chief executive to ensure government entities operate correctly.
On Wednesday, the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) hosted a session in Murray Hall on the College ...
3月10日,美国教育部向美国60所高校发出警告,称如果他们不遵守联邦反歧视法,将可能会受到制裁。3月7日,由美国司法部、教育部等机构组成的打击反犹主义联合工作组表示,由于哥伦比亚大学未能抑制校园内的反犹主义,将撤回针对该校发放的4亿美元联邦资金,并逮 ...