总部位于罗利的开发商Villain Games宣布推出基于扑克的roguelikeRPG冒险游戏《Hero’s Hand》,将登陆PlayStation 5、Xbox Series、Switch和PC(Steam)平台,该游戏将于 2026 年推出。
DAKAR, March 7 (Xinhua) -- France officially transferred control of two military sites in the Senegalese capital of Dakar to Senegalese authorities on Friday, according to a statement from the French ...
On its first day of trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Mixue’s stock price surged by a whopping 43.2%, closing at HKD290 per share. The company raised HKD3.45 billion in its IPO, making it the ...
(更多行业投融资数据可查看:亿欧数据) 国外金融领域共有1家企业获投,融资总额约0.08亿元。 1.Hands In完成127.96万美元天使轮融资,该公司总部位于英国,是一家英国团体支付服务商。 注: 1.金融领域指的是亿欧数据行业分类中的金融这1个行业。 2.上述融资 ...