“I’ve never heard that word,” she said. “It sounded like a word that would not be very complicated because it sounds like gadding,” which is “to move about from place to place ...
When Ainsley Gastmeier heard pronouncer Matthew Brown at the 2025 Macomb County Regional Spelling Bee say he was moving off the study list before the fifth round, she deadpanned, “I’m cooked,” on the ...
And that doesn’t work at all, does it? If only, instead of gadding about decadently in Dubai, Arsenal had simply bought themselves a £1.2m striker who could fire them to the league title ...
Marshall is a ubiquitous name in heavy music. From Lemmy to The Lemonheads, Marshall amps have been front and centre – serving volume, grit and tone that’s come to define more than a few generations ...
One Year - In County (print & online) $60.00 for 365 days One Year - Senior In County (print & online) $55.00 for 365 days One Year - Out of County/In State (print & online) $74.00 for 365 days One ...
The Lanka e news web site last night carried a story with a recorded telephone conversation which the website says is between Senadhipathi and Senaratne’s Secretary Dr. Sayuru Samarasundera. In the ...
In last week's opening episode we saw him as a young man, gadding about Europe as the Nazis rose to power. Ian is, in his own words, "the lesser Fleming", overshadowed by the literary success of ...