As viagens de passageiros de trem da China aumentaram anualmente 4,7%, atingindo um recorde histórico de 726 milhões durante ...
Os protótipos do trem de alta velocidade mais rápido do mundo, o CR450, com uma velocidade de teste de até 450 quilômetros ...
Prototypes of the world's fastest high-speed train, the CR450, with a test speed of up to 450 km per hour and an operational ...
IT之家2 月 20 日消息,2024 年 12 月 29 日,CR450 动车组完成了样车设计并成功下线,试验时速 450 公里,运营时速可以达到 400 公里,是全球最快的高铁列车。 样车制造出来了,但研发团队的工作并没有结束,一系列线路试验和考核还将密集开展,为这趟“最快高 ...
Starting from Sunday night, Shanghai transportation authorities will launch a trial measure, allowing electric bicycles to travel through the upper level of the Fuxing East Road Tunnel during late ...
连日来,喀什大地处处涌动着项目建设的热潮。叶城县70万千瓦光伏生态治理一体化项目、空铁物流产业园项目、喀什华电2×66 ...
2月5日,在新疆润庆节水新材料有限公司生产车间内,机器轰鸣,流水线高速运转,工人们精神饱满,熟练地操作着设备,争分夺秒赶制订单,全力冲刺“开门红”。 立春后,该企业接收的各类农业节水、排水管道的订单量持续攀升,随着订单量的增加,企业 ...