Sheets of bismuth, gallium, indium, tin and lead can now be made just a few atoms thick by crushing them at a high ...
Effective cancer therapeutics for brain tumors must be able to cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) to reach the tumor in adequate quantities and overcome the resistance conferred by the local tumor ...
This guide gives a brief overview of the NPRI and provides information about how to use and interpret its data. Established in 1993, the NPRI currently collects information on the release, disposal ...
WE had observed 1 that the heat generated by ultrasonic waves in carbon disulphide and in other liquids, such as toluene and xylene, is not in conformity with their widely divergent absorption ...
KNOWING the highly refractive power of phosphorus, and also of carbon disulphide, it occurred to me that a solution of the former in the latter might yield a liquid more highly refractive than any ...
Like the USS Enterprise, the James Webb Space Telescope reveal secrets about new worlds. New observations by the ...
The prevalence and mortality rates of cardiovascular diseases are increasing, and new treatment strategies are urgently needed. From the perspective of basic pathogenesis, the occurrence and ...
A disulphide-locked double cysteine mutant of suilysin, designed to prevent TMH1 insertion, enabled us to trap an active prepore state as well as to visualize the pore formation process by AFM in ...