LYD: The Official Currency Code for the Libyan Dinar ...
‎The Central Bank of Libya (CBL) expressed distress over March’s low oil revenues, threatening Libya’s fiscal sustainability.
By bnm Gulf bureau Iraq's Central Bank (CBI) is preparing to launch a digital dinar as part of its transition to digital ...
Detailed price information for Iraqi Dinar/U.S. Dollar (IQDUSD) from The Globe and Mail including charting and trades.
Bursa Malaysia Bhd and its subsidiaries will be closed on Tuesday, March 18, for the Nuzul Al-Quran public holiday, observed ...
The exchange rate for the US dollar compared to the Iraqi dinar increased on Thursday in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, and ...
Highlights,KWD is the official ISO 4217 currency code for the Kuwaiti Dinar.,It ensures standardized financial transactions ...
Bahrain is among the few countries with specific regulations governing cryptocurrencies,” he said. “The banking and financial ...
By John Lee. Iraq's delegation concluded its meetings with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Amman (February 24-26), ...
Detailed price information for Canadian Dollar/Kuwaiti Dinar (CADKWD) from The Globe and Mail including charting and trades.
The exchange rate for the US dollar compared to the Iraqi dinar declined in Baghdad and the capital of the Kurdistan region ...