A new study has revealed significant insights into the intermolecular mechanisms involved in the dissolution of organic electrode materials (OEMs) within electrolytes during battery cycling tests.
"We designed solvents that minimize steric hindrance during Li + desolvation," explained Choi. "Symmetric solvents tend to block Li + from the anode under an electric field, slowing charge transfer.
岛津DL管 225-15718-91 用于LCMS-8045¥6588/个 广东深圳深圳市诺亚迪化学科技有限公司实 2025-02-17询价 岛津 Restek气相色谱柱(毛细管色谱柱)面议 北京北京北京科益恒达科技有限公司实 2019-08-23询价 岛津Premium液相进样针 LC手动进样针10ul-25ul-50ul-100¥370/支 山东枣庄 ...
Institute of Physical Chemistry, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe 76131, Germany ...
National Innovation Center for Industry-Education Integration of Energy Storage Technology, MOE Key Laboratory of Low-Grade Energy Utilization Technologies and Systems, CQU-NUS Renewable Energy ...