We took Adobe Firefly for a test spin, diving into generative art in hopes of finding a pragmatic purpose — a use for us ...
Developing a tool kit that helps diversify boards and funding streams, eliminates give/get requirements for board members, ...
Emily Lippincott, senior legal futurist at Filevine, and winner of the Legalweek Leaders in Tech Law, Monica Bay Women of ...
Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts issued a clear, if implicit, rebuke of President Trump on Tuesday, intensifying a ...
Lawmakers in Kentucky held a last-minute, late-night vote on Friday giving state sanction to the discredited practice of ...
CFPB enforcement official. Meanwhile, the bureau’s former director, Rohit Chopra, contributed to the state’s announcement of ...
Congress is forming a task force to support Trump's declassification of Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination records, seeking transparency.
Lt. Gov. Delbert Hosemann said he won't consider a tax cut if the legislature doesn't pass benefit reforms for future state ...
Data shows that Ohio students have gotten back to where they were before the pandemic when it comes to reading, but despite ...
Unless we start kicking out more elected representatives for doing what we ask, periodic DOGEs will be part of American life, ...
Kenyans have a civic responsibility to critically interrogate and discuss ideas that shape their collective future as a ...
On Jan. 6, 2025, Pepco responded to two separate reports of injured dogs near 1140 19th St. NW. After thoroughly ...