Scientists at Novo Nordisk in Denmark have applied flow chemistry to enhance the cleavage of oligonucleotides. Utilising Vapourtec’s R-Series flow chemistry system to undertake their research, the ...
急性心肌梗死(AMI)是全球心血管疾病患者的主要死因,就像一颗随时可能引爆的 “定时炸弹”,严重威胁着人们的生命健康。它的病理过程主要是心肌缺血,进而引发缺氧,这会导致心肌细胞凋亡和坏死,最终造成心脏功能受损。在这个复杂的病理过程中,Sirtuin 1(Sirt1)作为细胞存活和凋亡的关键调节因子,却一直 “深藏不露”,其与 AMI 之间的关系尚不明确。而且,缺氧诱导因子 - ...
Bioengineering professor and The Grainger College of Engineering's Dean, Rashid Bashir, led a team of researchers in a project that's resulted in new technology that offers rapid, highly sensitive ...
Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis (MASH) is a liver disease that progresses without symptoms and is associated ...
The results surprised the researchers when they showed that a single peptide that is naturally made by the body can prove ...
Announcing a new article publication for Zoonoses journal. Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB), an exotoxin produced by single ...
A naturally occurring molecule identified by Stanford Medicine researchers appears similar to semaglutide - also known as Ozempic - in suppressing appetite and reducing body weight.
This valuable study on Pseudomonas subverting host immunity identifies a new immune evasion strategy. There is solid evidence for the cleavage of VgrG2B by Caspase 11 and the generation of fragments ...
Abstract: We propose and experimentally demonstrate a novel, high-resolution, and high-sensitivity magnetic field sensor based on an extrinsic Fabry-Perot interferometer (EFPI), where two ...