It was a play about artificial intelligence, which was ironic considering the lack of the human variety in the theatre that night. East is South, currently running at the Hampstead Theatre in north ...
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The chirruping and twittering of a thousand canaries; the mellifluous strains of a half a hundred of DODWORTH's best musicians, led by the immortal HARVEY B.; the Academy of Music, resplendent ...
Back in 1974, Richard Pinhas’ Heldon took musical inspiration from Eno and Fripp in order to become France’s Buzzcocks and Throbbing Gristle all rolled into one. The country’s first modern DIY group ...
Biography of the turboWhere did all the huffing and puffing, chirruping and tweeting begin? John ‘Boost’ Barker has the answers The Cult Of The Turbo: GT2 RS v F40 v XJ220 v Noble M600Leading ...