The Champions League group-stage 小组赛阶段 draw has taken place with debutants 首次参赛队 Manchester City drawn 平局 against German side Bayern Munich, Spanish outfit 球队 Villarreal and Italian club Napoli.
In the high-stakes world of football, where every match counts, Manchester City finds itself at a critical juncture in the Champions League campaign. Recently, the team's locker room has resembled a c ...
The Asian Champions League, or ACL, Asia's top international, multi-title eSports tournament, opens in Shanghai on Wednesday.
3月19日下午,由英雄电竞主办的亚洲首个国际综合性电竞赛事——英雄亚冠联赛(HERO ESPORTS Asian Champions ...
Tutto come previsto. L’国际米兰 batte nuovamente il 费耶诺德 e si qualifica ai quarti di Champions League, dove affronterà il 拜仁慕尼黑, ...