Indian ship-breaking yards have been starved of business while aging tankers were kept afloat to carry illicit oil around the ...
What’s happening to bluefin tuna? They’re nearing extinction. The World Wildlife Fund recently predicted that if current fishing trends continue, bluefins could virtually disappear from the ...
The participating clubs include Malawi Aquatics, Kigali (Rwanda), Otter and Braeburn (Kenya), and Orcas (Uganda). They will join 16 Tanzanian clubs, namely Bluefins, Braeburn Sharks, CRSC, Dar Swim ...
Each wholesaler has its own designated expert who ranks their company’s bluefins, and then put “No. 1” tags on their top tuna before placing them at the far end of the auction site.
Atlantic bluefin tuna may be getting the break they need after years of overfishing and poor management. New evidence suggests that the eastern population is beginning to bounce back from near ...