而在本例中,值得注意的是,c1列的类型是bigint,而SUBSTR函数的返回值却是varchar类型,这可能是问题的根源所在。 进一步分析,我们发现Navicat和GreatSQL命令行的collation_connection设置存在不同:前者默认使用utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci,而后者则是utf8mb4_0900_bin。值得一提的是 ...
3 个月
SharePains by Pieter Veenstra on MSNSQL Functions for Encrypting and Decrypting Large text fieldsAfter my post about Encrypting Rich Text fields in Power Apps that store their data in SQL server now the promised decryption code in this post as well.
Implements [Uint<BITS, LIMBS>], the ring of numbers modulo $2^{\mathsf{BITS}}$. It requires two generic arguments: the number of bits and the number of 64-bit 'limbs' required to store those bits.
Handle large JSON documents up to 512 MB Deserialize with destr by default, up to 35.96x faster than JSON.parse ...