Undeterred by Napoleon’s brief return to power in 1815, Alexander sought to confirm his status as Europe’s saviour with the publication, on Christmas Day, of a treaty between himself and the crowned ...
Lafayette this week paid his respects to a friend who at first took him for a dupe, but without whom Lafayette likely would never have come to America. The week began at Raleigh, breakfast with ...
Those who survived were then murdered by the Japanese. The bodies of people, even babies—beheaded, mutilated, bayoneted and shot—littered the streets, schools, public buildings, even places of ...
McCain parachuted out of the plane and landed in a lake in Hanoi, North Vietnam. He broke both arms and a leg in the fall, was dragged from the water by an angry crowd, and was beaten and bayoneted.
Then zombies begin banging on the door of the sanctuary. The rabbi extinguishes the candle in the wine, picks up a bayoneted assault rifle, opens the door and stabs a lone zombie in the head.
Many of them seriously wounded and bayoneted as well.” The list includes the caretaker of Caherguillamore House, Tom O’Donoghue and his son Paddy; John Gerard O’Dwyer and the column’s medi ...
The Japanese took no notice and Lt. Weston was bayoneted to death by the first Japanese to enter. These troops now entered the hospital and ran amok on the ground floor. They were very excitable ...