近日,被称为“台独金孙”的赖清德再度大放厥词。日前赖清德在召开所谓的“国安高层会议”后发表讲话,大肆鼓吹两岸 “互不隶属”的分裂谬论,妄称 “台湾是一个主权独立的民主国家”,同时恶意渲染 “大陆威胁”,还抛出所谓“因应五方面威胁”的“17项策略”。这些充斥着 “独”性与“毒”性的挑衅言论,再度暴露了赖清德冥顽不化的“台独”立场,以及蓄意升高敌意、企图制造对抗的险恶用心。
与此同时,智库“新美国安全中心”的兼职高级研究员汤姆·舒加特在其个人社交媒体账号上发推称,在最近的卫星遥感图像中发现,有三艘自升式驳船似乎已从广船国际龙穴造船厂离开。他认为这些驳船是一种“民用辅助登陆输送平台”,并将其称为T-LPT,不过考虑到近期影 ...
In recent years, marine ranching has gained momentum along China's coast. In 2024, the city of Shanwei, in the southern ...
据《费加罗报》国际版由Alexis Feertchak所撰文章指出,中国刚测试了入侵台湾所需的两栖登陆艇。它们的建造今年 1 ...
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A video surfaced on Chinese social media Thursday showing a new type of barge that could support large ...
One of the world's most prolific blood donors whose plasma saved the lives of more than 2,000,000 babies, has died in Australia. He was 88. James Harrison's blood contained a rare antibody anti-D. He ...
Though electric vehicles are thriving, many rely on electricity from coal and gas. Engineers create emission-free cars and boats powered directly by the sun.