安德烈亚·贝尔塔已经与阿森纳达成协议,将出任他们新的体育总监。在马德里竞技效力超过十年后,贝尔塔于1月开始可以自由选择去向——他在西班牙球队的进步中发挥了核心作用。这位意大利人是阿森纳在彻底的流程中考 ...
EHang, JAC Motors and Guoxian Holdings will conduct joint research on the automation of aircraft production technologies and build a manufacturing base, all to accelerate low-altitude aviation ...
TASC is our industry’s premier peer-to-peer automation stage where America’s shop leaders refine the art of metalworking and CNC machining. For conference speakers, it's also an opportunity to ...