When people ask me where I grew up, I tell them I haven’t — at least not yet. But then I tell them I was born here, have spent all but 10 years of my life here, and if I have any say in the matter, ...
Friends Julie Roginsky, a Democrat, and Mike DuHaime, a Republican, talk politics: Trump wants tax cuts for the rich. Murphy ...
We should think twice about giving New College of Florida President Richard Corcoran control over some of our area's major cultural treasures.
As my friend Leon Wieseltier said about Benjamin Netanyahu, and it’s true of Trump as well: He’s a small man in a big time.
SNAP cost-share would hit states twice: extra revenue to meet federal match, equal reduction in fed taxes not returned to ...
Trump’s propensity for law defiance is, of course, signed, sealed and convicted — 34 times. Thirty-four felonies, for which ...
President Donald Trump made expanding U.S. energy production the centerpiece of his America First agenda. And his Department ...
If we give the state the power to decide which faith must be taught, we also give it the power to decide which faith must be ...
The Tea Party was born toward the end of the first full month of Obama’s first term. On Feb. 19, 2009, a CNBC editor, Rick ...
Hospitals asking new parents about sexual orientation of babies. Apparently a New Jersey law if forcing hospitals in the ...
Americans to unite in support of our food aid programs at home and overseas. Fighting hunger is critical to both our domestic and foreign policy. But sadly ...
An Oklahoma representative is asking Attorney General Gentner Drummond for a formal opinion on State Superintendent Ryan ...