A foreign employee at Universal Studios Beijing has been suspended for engaging in inappropriate physical interactions with visitors while portraying the role of Charlie Chaplin.
A foreign UN worker was killed and five others seriously injured during the Israeli bombing of their headquarters in the ...
宝子们👋,今天来唠唠超炸的进博会走进湖北专题对接活动!3 月 18 日在湖北武汉东湖国际会议中心,那场面简直了🥳,人头攒动、热闹非凡,世界各地的企业都来这儿洽谈合作,好多企业都成功“牵手”啦,氛围感直接拉满!
BEIJING, March 18 (Xinhua) -- China's Commerce Minister Wang Wentao said the country's trade policies toward trading partners, including the European Union, have consistently been stable, and welcomed ...
SFBC作为外国人来华商务服务领域的专业咨询平台,凭借其专业、高效、贴心的服务,为无数像米兰风这样的外国企业和个人解决了在华商务活动中遇到的各类问题。无论您是在人才招聘、外贸服务还是公司运营管理方面遇到困难,SFBC都将以其丰富的经验和专业的团队,为 ...
TOKYO, March 14 (Xinhua) -- The number of foreign nationals residing in Japan reached more than 3.7 million as of the end of 2024, marking a record high for the third consecutive year, government data ...
Henan's foreign trade witnessed a strong start in the first two months of this year. According to Zhengzhou Customs on March 12, Henan's foreign trade value saw a year-on-year increase of 26.4 percent ...
Meng Lei, China equity strategist at UBS Securities, said investor confidence in the capital market is also recovering, ...
第二十六条代表机构登记事项发生变更,外国企业应当向登记机关申请变更登记。 第二十七条 变更登记事项的,应当自登记事项发生变更之日起60日内申请变更登记。 变更登记事项依照法律、行政法规或者国务院规定在登记前须经批准的,应当自批准之日起30 ...
新华社北京2月17日电(马卓言、孙素颖)针对美日韩外长近日在德国慕尼黑举行会晤,三国在联合声明中发表涉台、涉南海问题消极表态,外交部发言人郭嘉昆17日表示,台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分,台湾问题纯属中国内政,不容任何外部势力干涉。 郭 ...