And when you don’t use it, you give up your say in the most important decisions of our time. There’s a reason why every vote ...
SHREVEPORT, La. - In the 70 years since KTBS signed on the air, only six men have been elected as Caddo Parish sheriff. Last ...
Your vote matters! You can and should vote while studying abroad. If you are going to be abroad during an election, begin the voter registration and absentee ballot request process well before your ...
In fact, participating in your state and local elections ... Here are six reasons to vote in local elections (and why it ...
With over 40 million votes at stake we look at why this is one of the most important elections ever. And to emphasise the point, we found someone who has the authority to tell us why every vote ...
In our conversation about Jewish peoplehood, one leader, Gali, shared something that deeply moved me: “I saw American Jews as ...