The 29th Month of La Francophonie in South China officially opened on March 8 at Guangzhou Opera House, marking the start of ...
你知道吗?全球有超过 3.2 亿人讲法语,分布在五大洲 93 个国家和地区,其中 29 个国家将法语定为官方语言!Did you know? Over 320 million people speak French across 93 countries and regions on five continents, with 29 countries recognizing it as an o ...
Mark your calendars for an unforgettable experience at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) Open Day on 12 April ...
达娜·R·费舍是一名社会学家,她基于自己对大型社会运动的研究,自称为“末日乐观主义者”。她的研究表明,日益频发的气候灾难将促使人们走上街头,要求采取必要的行动。她详细阐述了如何在个人与社区层面培养应对灾难的韧性——以及如何在看似无解的问题面前集中力量 ...
Editor's note: Decision Makers is a global platform for decision makers to share their insights on events shaping today's world. Analisa Low is the ambassador of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to ...
期刊简介《太平洋评论》(The Pacific Review)是太平洋地区研究的主要平台,作为跨学科期刊,其宗旨和目标为打破研究领域之间以及学术界、新闻界、政府和商界之间的壁垒,重点关注政策问题。根据Journal Citation ...
As the RMB becomes a more internationalized currency and as China moves up the value chain for a lot of these cutting-edge products, you have the financial role of Hong Kong and the innovation and ...
Celebrate Women's Day in style at the elegant St. Regis Hotel Bar with Luminous Her, an unforgettable evening dedicated to the power and beauty of women. Set in one of Shanghai's most iconic venues, ...
▲摘要: 众多昆虫群体的数量下降已被记录下来,并且,这一情况的潜在后果是严重的。蝴蝶是最广受调查的昆虫类群,然而对其的分析往往受限于地理范围或依赖于单一监测项目的数据。利用来自35个监测项目的超过76000次调查中记录的1260万只蝴蝶的数据,我们描绘了美国本土蝴蝶总体及特定物种的丰度趋势。