The Bengaluru police have arrested Syed Nasru, a resident of Bihar, for the violent attack on three cows in Cottonpet area on January, which led to tension in the city. He has been remanded in ...
A herd of cows caused disruption on the M4 motorway at the height of the evening rush hour when they wandered into the path of a coach, police said today. Several of the animals are believed to ...
WESTERN, N.Y. — A cow was killed and another was hurt in a barn collapse in the Town of Western on the evening of Jan. 5. That's according to the Daily Sentinel, an online newspaper. Emergency ...
After overpowering the officers, they proceeded to rustle cows in the village. Two policemen were killed and over 200 cows rustled by gunmen suspected to be members of the Lakurawa terrorists ...
This pain is driving me mad. The phrase comes to mind whenever I catch myself responding angrily or stupidly to some challenge or threat. Who would I be if I didn’t have pain? Would I have acted ...
Abdominal pain might seem harmless at first, however, if it persists, it might indicate something serious. While common conditions such as acidity, indigestion and gas can cause abdominal pain, it can ...
“The Cool Cows project will produce a greater number of offspring from these donors, rapidly establishing a nucleus of highly methane-efficient calves.” The Langhill Herd, which was first ...
OPP officers, paramedics and firefighters attended the scene of a collision involving an SUV and a truck hauling cattle on Blyth Road near Hensall Road in Huron East. The lone driver of the truck ...
South Africa’s Limpopo region has always been cow country. A bridegroom’s family traditionally pays the lobola, or “bride price”, in cattle. People here eat the parts of cows they can afford.