The axolotl is an unusual-looking pet, but it’s the very reason that attracts people to them. They live underwater and have ...
In this video, I’ll show you how to properly feed your pet axolotl, what they love to eat, and tips for keeping them happy and healthy. Watch as this unique aquatic pet enjoys a tasty worm meal!
Legend has it the axolotl was not always an amphibian. Long before it became Mexico's most beloved salamander and efforts to prevent its extinction flourished, it was a sneaky god. "It's an ...
Developmental biologists, neurobiologists, and amphibian research scientists find the axolotl an excellent animal model for their research. Not only are axolotls easy to handle, but females ...
But urban sprawl, contaminated water and non-native fish that like to eat young axolotls have led to the salamander’s near-total collapse, according to population surveys. The axolotl is not the ...