Learn about specific health topics through key messages, videos, articles, tips, and activities. Hear from experts in the field and your BC peers, challenge yourself to tackle a new healthy behavior, ...
This month, we welcome back our ongoing program and collaboration with the Office of Multicultural Affairs, Wellness Wednesday! On Wednesday, January 29th, from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM, we will be hosting ...
This method leverages relatability and trust to facilitate learning and behavior change. A peer health educator is a peer educator trained specifically to provide prevention education on health and ...
Baby tech company Owlet has announced the launch of Owlet360, a subscription service where caregivers can access their infant's health and sleep data on the baby's development and health. Owlet360 ...
Smoke and ash are in the air, and so is survivor’s guilt, leaving many unsure how to act or grieve. While survivor’s guilt can cause grief and shame, it is also, say experts, a sign of empathy.
I also offer training services on various wellness topics. Problems may seem too much, no matter what you do, sometimes nothing appears to be getting better and it may feel like no one seems to ...
Disconnecting from the digital realm from time to time is good for your well-being, but doing so can be difficult. There are steps you can take, however, to get in the habit of putting your phone ...
There is also a “Today” newsletter tied to wellness topics that has 800,000 subscribers. Roker, who will serve as a sort of chief motivational officer on the app, also comes to the subject ...