A Shapingba Hotpot Carnival was held here on Friday to promote cultural exchange, trade and tourism between China ...
As Cambodia seeks to attract more tourists to secondary and tertiary destinations, securing foreign investment in products is ...
The ACU report revealed that Vuthy used his position to arrange for the Pailin and PreahVihear provincial authorities to ...
A viral video from Hua Hin’s Pala-U Road shows a wild elephant using its trunk to toss a man from a pickup truck. The ...
The Kampong Speu provincial court has ordered that a deputy provincial governor and two other men be detained in custody in ...
据高棉时报消息,近日,柬埔寨反腐败委员会(ACU)逮捕实居省副省长迪维提(Tith Vuthy)及另外两名嫌疑人,其中一人为现役军人。 据了解,该副省长与同伙以办理矿产许可证为由,诈骗中国投资者40万美元。