根据环球银行金融电信协会(Swift),美元2月在全球支付中所占份额下滑至50%以下,而涉及人民币的交易额占比升至六个月高点。Swift周三公布,上个月的全球支付中涉及美元的比例从1月的50.2%降至49%左右,但高于2024年2月的46.6%。人民币在2月交易中所占份额从1月的3.79%升至4.33%,为去年8月以来的最高水平,在Swift跟踪的 ...
Tesla is facing an unprecedented consumer backlash in the U.S. and Europe, with JPMorgan warning it could be one of the most significant brand value declines in automotive history. Analyst Ryan ...
The global equity landscape is shifting, as growing market uncertainty stemming from the Trump administration's announced and enacted policy actions is causing a shift in sentiment and leading ...
3月17日, 国网浙江电力人工智能实训基地正式启用。该实训基地是国网浙江电力为推进“人工智能+”行动、加速紧缺人才培养而打造的重点工程,位于国网浙江培训中心内,占地面积约420平方米,单次可容纳54人同步实训。
In a lawsuit filed by Berger Montague and Rosca Scarlato, purchasers of the securities argued that BNY Mellon should have, ...
3月17日,宝马中国与华为终端宣布已达成合作协议。宝马将在中国深度融合鸿蒙生态,推出包括BMW数字钥匙、HUAWEI HiCar和MyBMW App在内的数字化服务,基于HarmonyOS NEXT开发多元化智能应用与功能。
VIX ETFs are popular tools for hedging or speculating on volatility, tracking VIX futures. VIXY, VIXM, VXX, VXZ for ...
东方网1月23日消息,历经10个比赛日的精彩对决,2025无畏契约冠军巡回赛CN联赛启点赛(VALORANT Champions Tour Kickoff 2025,以下简称 “启点赛” )胜者组比赛已经全部结束,TE 2-1战胜BLG,以全胜战绩晋级总决赛,并提前锁定CN联赛首个晋级曼谷大师赛的名额,成为四 ...
VXX's recent spike isn't built to last. Learn how to leverage it for hedging or speculation and why it's not for long-term ...
And in the first quarter, these top funds rank among the best-performing ETFs of 2025. The only caveat is that this list excludes "leveraged" funds, and every pick has to have at least $150 million in ...