Ventilation is an important process within the global ocean, where waters sink to deeper layers, are transported by deep currents, and eventually get upwelled back to the surface. This process affects ...
The National Science Teaching Association (NSTA) and the National Marine Educators Association (NMEA) have released a joint position statement emphasizing the need to include ocean science as a vital ...
From immense pressure to limited supplies, learn more about the similarities between deep sea and space exploration and what ...
Life Under Water is back for a second season after an incredibly successful first season which won a Bronze Climate award at ...
Ocean life thrives at thousands of shipwrecks off the Atlantic coast. One of the coolest places in the ocean was featured on ...
US official says Trump confident China will not invade Taiwan during his term ...
“The big picture is that the global warming clock for emissions reductions to minimize the risk of dangerous climate change ...
The rise in global temperatures has already reached the level of an unprecedented threat to humanity and the entire ecosystem ...
In short, while the picture is authentic, it does not show the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch." Underwater photographer Caroline Power captured the picture, which shows a large area ...
The coral conservationist on morning rituals, free-diving with sharks and his mission to save the globe’s oceans.
Finland is exploring options to create improved links for road and rail connections to Europe, including a fixed bridge link ...
Born on July 30, 1920, geologist and cartographer Tharp changed scientific thinking about what lay at the bottom of the ocean – not a featureless flat, but rugged and varied terrain.