In this photo distributed by the Russian Defense Ministry Press Service on Monday, March 17, 2025, a Russian soldier prepares ...
以色列表示,已将地面部队重新部署到加沙地带的中部和南部,扩大了 前一天以空袭为先导的军事行动 ,巴勒斯坦当局称,空袭已造成数百人死亡。
周五,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·弗拉基米罗维奇·普京坚称,乌克兰应下令其部分军队向俄罗斯投降。就在几个小时前,美国总统特朗普称,美国与普京就可能达成的停火协议进行了 “非常良好且富有成效” 的讨论,普京此番要求令人震惊。
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A video surfaced on Chinese social media Thursday showing a new type of barge that could support large ...
株式会社Phoenixx宣布,荣获“GYAAR Studio独立游戏大赛”奖项的实时动作策略游戏《果冻部队》(Jelly Troops)将于2025年登陆Nintendo Switch™。该作品凭借其可爱的画风、快节奏的战斗和充满反转的战术操作,吸引了众多玩家的关注。
请问发言人有何评论? Question: It’s reported that Taiwan’s Exercise Han Kuang 41 would considerably increase the duration of its live-fire phase, and would mobilize as many as 3000 reserve troops as prodded by ...