The Seminole County Fire Department said a home in Longwood collapsed after "weather impacts." Others described it as a ...
A tornado hit central Florida on Monday, destroying two homes, uprooting trees and disrupting a FOX TV show as it was ...
A tornado hit the FOX 35 Orlando television station Monday morning in what a meteorologist called a rare event.
The National Weather Service confirmed that the tornado, which packed winds of up to 115 mph, touched down around 9:40 a.m.
A radar-confirmed tornado struck Lake Mary in Seminole County on Monday morning. The tornado was captured moving across ...
A powerful tornado was caught on a home security camera Monday morning as it ripped through a Longwood neighborhood.
A tornado swept through western Seminole County late Monday morning as a storm swept through that caused significant damage ...
The storm started at Annapolis, Mo., crossed the Mississippi river (and) swept through Illinois before it died out at ...
A tornado that touched down in Seminole County on Monday ripped a pool enclosure apart and hurled it to another side of a ...
A Central Florida local news station was on air covering the Tornado Warning when the twister passed by overhead.
Aerial video taken after an EF-2 tornado ripped through a Florida neighborhood north of Orlando shows one home torn to pieces ...
A strong tornado was captured on a home security camera Monday as it tore through neighborhoods in Longwood, Florida.