The only confirmed development in the case was through DNA tests, which proved that Tonu had been raped before her murder. Investigators found spermatozoa from three unidentified individuals on her ...
One halcyon spring day in 1903, the 69-year-old anatomist and naturalist Dr. James Bell Pettigrew sat at the top of a sloping ...
A new study found an association between sperm quality and life expectancy: Men with fast, strong sperm had increased ...
A triazole fungicide, ipconazole, impacts sperm in a study of two male mammal species, indicating negative effects on reproductive health.
Healthy Sperm, Healthy Life: Men with higher sperm motility lived 2–3 years longer than those with poor semen quality. Semen ...
People looking to pocket some extra cash might ask, "Can I sell my kidney?" These are the parts of your body you can profit ...
Conducted by Danish researchers, the study was published on Tuesday in the journal ‘Human Reproduction’. The large-scale study tracked more than 78,000 men over 50 years.
The first report of unequivocal successful IVF in domestic species was published in rabbits in 1954 (3, 4). In this report, the authors used spermatozoa recovered from the female's reproductive tract ...
The following is a summary of “Effectiveness of exercise interventions on sperm quality: a systematic review and network meta ...
ABSTRACT: Azoospermia, defined as a complete absence of spermatozoa in the ejaculate, is a relatively common condition among infertile men. Establishing the etiological diagnosis can be challenging ...