Scientists have developed a solar-powered method to convert solid waste into valuable green hydrogen and animal feed.
Yorkshire Water has been forced to pay out £40 million to address failings over wastewater and sewage by regulator Ofwat.
Plumbing pressure issues aboard a recent voyage of the Disney Magic cruise ship led to an uncomfortable 'poop on carpet' ...
Yorkshire Water to pay out £40m after sewage overflow failings - Ofwat found ‘serious failures’ over how the company operated ...
A special election is just around the corner to determine who will fill the District 1 seat vacated by Nora Vargas on the San Diego County Board of Supervisors.
After decades of efforts to improve the Harlem River’s water quality, the state is considering upgrading its class designation.
District 1 residents are demanding action on sewage.
That new life comes from part of the old Kimberly Clark paper mill. Shuttered in 2012 and purchased by the city, the building ...
The mayor shared many grievances with WVVA but he says one of the biggest issues not being addressed by the town is sewage ...
Residents of the border city of Imperial Beach claim Veolia failed to stop dumping sewage into the Pacific Ocean and local ...
The city of St. Pete is now investing $7 million to upgrade two sewage treatment facilities. Last year's hurricanes caused ...